Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Spring Break 2011!

Never have we been so ready to have a break! Mama gets to spend the first week with the boys (no preschool, no daycare, no work!), and then we are all going to the Red Caboose motel again (1 year since we went for the first time) and then Mom (Turkey) will be home with the boys for the second week.

It is so nice just to be at home with Avery and Caleb. Avery and I finger painted:

AND I baked a cake, just so Avery could decorate it with sprinkles, chocolate chips, and whatever else he wanted! I wrote SPRING BREAK on it, but Avery covered up the R and A.

Caleb's adorableness:
This snake was Avery's, and he used to LOVE it! Luckily, he doesn't seem to mind sharing it with his younger brother!

Caleb likes sitting in the Bumbo seat for a couple of minutes at a time. This, too, was Avery's, but Avery never really used it because, well, his thighs were too chubby for it!

1 comment:

Reem Tara said...

A Spring Break cake? You're a genius. =) So glad you get time with your sons!