Sunday, September 2, 2007

new stuff! and it was all FREE!

Carolyn was looking for baby stuff on Craig's List and found someone who was giving away a bunch of great things for FREE not far from where we live!!!! She was able to contact them and for only the cost of an $8 cab ride home, we now own:

a Bumbo chair,

an Excersaucer,

a fancy swing that goes from side to side as well as from front to back,

a great new worm toy (Avery loves his worms!),

a new mat great for Tummy Time (even Ruby seems interested!),

plus a crib bumper, some other toys, another toy mat with overhanging toys similar to what Avery already has (we can bring it over to his childcare for him to use there), and a bunch of really nice picture frames and photo albums that they probably received as gifts but never used.

Did I mention this was all FREE?!?!? We love a bargain.

1 comment:

Bubbe said...

I love a bargain, too! That is terrific. Avery seems very interested in all his stuff.