Saturday, April 12, 2008

Hard at Work!

Avery got up at 5:30 on a Saturday morning to get straight to work with his tool bench. Lots of things to build and fix (or at least stack, knock down, and chew on):


JO said...

SO Cute! Great pics! I found your blog because I love "my dog" too :)

I am expecting my firs baby - a boy in August can't wait til I can see him play like yours :)

Anonymous said...

You captured his personality so well in these pictures!

The last set of family pictures are really nice too, it looks like you all had a nice time :)

Anonymous said...

I wish I was that happy at 5:30am on a Saturday morning! Hope everyone is doing well!!!

Christy said...

I love how Avery always seems to be smiling! Hope you're all settling in to your new home.