Saturday, December 29, 2012

Getting ready for Santa

This was the first Christmas that our children seemed to understand the significance and excitement of the holiday. And they understand about Santa. We asked them repeatedly what they wanted Santa to bring them for Christmas, and Santa also asked them what they wanted (at our town's Christmas festival and again on the Santa train). Each time, Avery clearly said he wanted the new Angry Birds board game and a new watch. Caleb's response puzzled us: "baby." This was his response each time. We weren't sure whether he wanted a real baby, a baby doll, or whether he was asserting his identity as the baby of the family (Santa did bring him a baby doll -- so far, Caleb has not shown much interest in it). To make sure Santa would find our house (since this was the first Christmas since moving here), Carolyn and Caleb made reindeer food, which both boys sprinkled around the yard:
We decorated our tree, and Carolyn and Avery used sticky letters to put our names on stockings to hang.
Finally, we left a plate of cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer. I helped Avery write a note to Santa. Actually, I just started it. I wrote "Dear," and Avery completed it: "Santa Cookies Avery." Straight to the point! Santa wrote a note back.

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