Saturday, January 1, 2011

Saint Louis activities, Christmas 2010

Avery loved playing with the two dogs, Arlo and Lucy, and snuggling with Melanie. He liked to let the dogs outside so that he could give them their bone treats when they came back in. He was doing this so frequently, that the dogs started refusing the treats -- they were too full!

Gogo feeding baby Caleb:

Caleb with Grandpa and Mom:

We tried to bake cut out sugar cookies and decorate them, like we used to do when we were kids. I even had my Mom's old cookie cutters and rolling pin. The cookies are challenging to make -- it takes a lot of patience to roll out the dough evenly, and a lot of flour so that it doesn't stick. We brought some cookies over to Carolyn's cousin's house, thinking that Avery and Colin would decorate them. I think they each decorated one cookie. Avery at least had fun making a mess and "helping" me bake them:

Decorating one single cookie at Victoria's house:

We went to three different museums: the Science Center, the Magic House, and the City Museum. We had fun, although we also missed all the fun summery things there are to do in STL, so I think we'll try to make a trip there sometime soon when there is warmer weather!
At the Science Center, all Avery wanted to do was stare at the ceiling to look at the huge maze of balls. Seriously, he stared up for at least an hour, and would have stayed longer, but we had tickets for the toddler room.
Where's Avery among the group of boys, all mesmerized by the balls rolling around in the contraptions on the ceiling? Hint: he was the youngest, but not the shortest!

Playing blocks at the City Museum:

he loved the sponge room -- by far the safest area in the museum!

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