Avery's friend Reed turned 2 and had a Thomas the Tank themed birthday party at daycare. Avery wore the Thomas birthday hat home, in the bathtub, during story time, and even wanted to wear it to bed, but we took it off because of the elastic. Oh and look, Avery finally got to wear his handsome dinosaur sweater (size 5T!) that we got at a consignment sale.
Avery found his baby doll, "Baby Avery" and has been kind of obsessed with tucking him into bed. "Tuck in! Tuck in!" Avery says. Cute, right?!? The last time we remember Avery playing with "Baby Avery" was here.
When you told me Avery liked to tuck his doll in, I thought you were talking about poor, wet Clarence!
So cute.
Oh, no. Clarence had to go bye-bye because he got moldy from being in the bathtub all the time :(
omg, the photo of him as a baby with baby Avery is too cute!
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