Tuesday, October 7, 2008

another sick day at home . . .

. . . means time to blog. I actually feel fine now, and Avery is, I think, feeling better. He threw up yesterday evening but slept all night and except for a little diarrhea this morning has been okay. He's been drinking small amounts of liquid (water and Pedialyte) and eating small amounts of bland food. He's actually been in a great mood today. Carolyn stayed home with him this morning so I could go to a doctor's appointment I didn't want to reschedule, and then I have been at home with him ever since. We have walked the dog around our building twice, read lots of stories, I taught Avery to play "Ring Around the Rosey" when I was sick of reading "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" for what seemed like the 20th time, and Avery has finally mastered the skill of pointing to his nose when asked "Where is Avery's nose?" He suddenly is speaking more too. He has said "Hi!" today and "Whoa!" and "Wow!" I think he might have said "I love you" too. Well, I said "I love you" to him, and he replied something, so it might as well have been "I love you." Our apartment is messy but clean, if that makes sense (ie. there are toys and books everywhere but everything that was vomited/thrown up on has been washed and changed). I am trying to grade a huge stack of French compositions. If Avery has to stay home again tomorrow, Carolyn will stay home with him since missing another day of class will put me and my students too far behind schedule. But hopefully he'll be all better. We'll see. Having a sick child is no fun. But it is kind of fun to stay at home with him, especially since he is being all cuddly and in a good mood. He's a trooper!

Walking Ruby around our building:

Aren't these slippers silly? Our little bookworm doesn't really look sick, does he? He grunted and pointed at our front door earlier so I would let him into the hallway to walk up and down. He gets cabin fever sometimes, same as me!


Christy said...

Get better!

SophisticatedBrew said...

i'm excited to see the walking, talking boy-wonder!