Thursday, July 10, 2008

Before we say Bon Voyage

Here are a couple of cutey pictures of Avery to tide y'all over since we probably won't be posting more for a while since we're going to be out of town for the next couple of weeks. The R Family Cruise is next week (13-20) and we'll be here for a couple of days before leaving for Saint Louis for a family reunion celebrating a bunch of graduations and new babies. Carolyn is working very hard, trying to get lots done before our vacation. She has also been packing already, since there is so much to bring on a trip with a baby (diapers, wipes, a stroller, a billion outfits, bibs, toys, books, bottles, medicine, etc.). I finished teaching my class and have been focusing this week on "dissertating." We've also been going to the gym a lot and taking care of Avery who had a fever on Sunday, and has been having some diarrhea. We it is pretty sure it is teething related. We had a couple of awful nights where Avery barely slept because he was so miserable (and so we barely slept and were also miserable), but besides giving him motrin and things to chew on, there's not a lot we can do for him. Things are definitely better now: Avery has slept through the past two nights, and his appetite has returned (Belen was very concerned when he didn't want to eat his lentils and black beans at daycare; instead of her usual "He eat good he sleep good" report, she said "usually he eat two plates of lentils and beans. Today, not even one!"). So hopefully, he'll continue to feel better and be healthy for our trip. We're very excited about the cruise! Gogo is coming up on Saturday and we leave on Sunday from the port at 42nd street. The ports include Saint John in New Brunswick, Halifax in Nova Scotia, Bar Harbor in Maine, Provincetown and Newport. We'll have lots of pictures to share, I'm sure!

playing with the alligator from Rachel and Max, and also some CDs:

1 comment:

Christy said...

Avery is such a cutie! Have an awesome time on your vacation!